Clay Higgins Votes Against the Freedom to Love


The Respect for Marriage Act (H.R. 8404), signed into law in December 2022, provides federal recognition for same-sex and interracial marriages. This act repeals the Defense of Marriage Act’s (DOMA) definitions that federally recognize marriage as a union between one man and one woman. Instead, it mandates that for federal law purposes, marriage is recognized between two individuals as long as it is valid under state law​ ( | Library of Congress)​​ (ProPublica)​.

The bill ensures that all legally married couples have their marriages recognized federally, regardless of the sex or race of the spouses. It requires states to recognize same-sex and interracial marriages performed in other states, ensuring a uniform standard of marriage recognition across the United States​ ( | Library of Congress)​​.

The act received mixed reactions from various religious groups. Some, like the Episcopal Church and the Union for Reform Judaism, supported the bill as a balanced approach between LGBTQ rights and religious freedoms. However, other groups such as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Southern Baptist Convention, opposed the bill due to their views on marriage and sexual ethics​.

Representative Clay Higgins vote against the Respect for Marriage Act (H.R. 8404) can be seen as an attack on the LGBTQIA+ community for several reasons:

Denial of Legal Protections and Benefits

  • Federal Recognition of Marriage: By voting against this bill, Higgins is opposing the federal recognition of same-sex marriages, which denies LGBTQIA+ couples access to numerous legal protections and benefits. These include Social Security spousal benefits, health insurance, tax benefits, and inheritance rights​ ( | Library of Congress)​​ (ProPublica)​. This lack of recognition can lead to significant financial and legal disadvantages for LGBTQIA+ couples.

Perpetuation of Social Stigma and Discrimination

  • Reinforcing Discrimination: Voting against the Respect for Marriage Act perpetuates social stigma and discrimination against LGBTQIA+ individuals. It sends a message that their relationships are less valid or worthy of recognition than heterosexual ones, fostering an environment where discrimination and prejudice are normalized​ (Wikipedia)​.
  • Mental Health Implications: The lack of legal recognition and societal acceptance contributes to mental health issues among LGBTQIA+ individuals, including higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. Voting against the bill exacerbates these issues by denying the legitimacy of LGBTQIA+ relationships​.

Undermining Civil Rights and Equality

  • Civil Rights Setback: Voting against this bill is a step backward in the ongoing struggle for civil rights and equality. It undermines the principle of equal treatment under the law and erodes the progress made in securing rights for LGBTQIA+ individuals. This opposition is contrary to the values of non-discrimination and justice that are fundamental to American democracy​ ( | Library of Congress)​​ (ProPublica)​.

Ethical and Moral Considerations

  • Human Dignity: Denying recognition of same-sex marriages is fundamentally about denying the dignity and worth of LGBTQIA+ individuals. Voting against the Respect for Marriage Act disregards the ethical principles of equality and respect for all people, particularly those in the LGBTQIA+ community​.
  • Selective Religious Freedom: While some religious groups oppose same-sex marriage, others support it as part of their faith’s commitment to equality and justice. By voting against the bill, Higgins is prioritizing the beliefs of certain religious groups over others, potentially infringing on the religious freedoms of those who support marriage equality​.

Impact on Families

  • Family Stability: Legal recognition of marriage contributes to family stability by ensuring that couples and their children are protected under the law. Voting against the bill undermines this stability, potentially harming children raised in LGBTQIA+ families by denying them the same legal recognition and security afforded to children of heterosexual couples​ (ProPublica)​.

Furthermore, voting against the Respect for Marriage Act would be extremely harmful since it would undermine legal safeguards, encourage discrimination, cause family instability, and go against fundamental principles of equality and human decency. To guarantee that all marriages are acknowledged and safeguarded by the law, legislators must back this bill, which demonstrates their dedication to justice and equality for all people.

By voting against the Respect for Marriage Act, Representative Clay Higgins is not just opposing a piece of legislation; he is attacking the LGBTQIA+ community by denying them the same legal rights and societal acceptance afforded to others. This vote perpetuates discrimination, undermines civil rights, and disregards the dignity and worth of LGBTQIA+ individuals and their families. It is crucial for lawmakers to support measures that promote equality and protect the rights of all citizens, regardless of their sexual orientation or race.

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